concordia university lgbtq

concordia university lgbtq

", "We believe God has expressly condemned sexual intercourse outside of the marriage covenant. Transgender Healths Standards of Care? But the LCEF has said that the lis pendens has made selling it more difficult, by creating a cloud over the propertys title, according to legal documents. Maranatha Baptist University has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. ", "Scripture expressly forbids certain sexual behaviors, including, but not limited to: fornication, adultery, incest, and homosexual acts (Ex 20:14; Lev 18:7-23, 20:10-21; Matt 5:27-28; Rom 1:20-27; 1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:19; Eph 4:17-19; Col 3:5). 5:1, 6:9; 1 Thess. Does your campus provide an LGBT-focused living space, LGBTQ theme floor and/or LGBT/Ally living-learning community concerns, which includes specific awareness about anti-Transgender violence and the ability of Transgender students to use One of the key parts of that especially for Oregonians is how that case might affect the future of the now-empty, 13-acre property. documents with only a request to do so from the student, regardless of if they have had gender confirmation/reassignment Day of Remembrance, Campus Pride Month)? TheMeraki Health Centreoffers a variety of services for transgender individuals that includes initiation and follow-up for hormone therapy as well as counselling. 14:1 student to faculty ratio. Westminster Seminary Californiahas qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Does your collegiate recreation department/program have student-athletes, coaches, participants and staff who actively Does your campus offer training opportunities for new faculty/staff/administrators during their orientation program which KMBC is committed to the Wesleyan interpretation of Christian doctrine and expects all members of faculty and staff to affirm yearly their allegiance to the doctrine, including the following positions: A Biblical view regarding marital faithfulness and monogamy, requiring abstinence from promiscuity, fornication, and homosexual acts/lifestyle. August 2013 - Gays protest Exodus forum at Concordia (1 Cor 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb 13:4. See also Sexuality and Gender Identity. Columbia International University, previously called The Southern Bible Institute and Columbia Bible College & Columbia Biblical Seminary, has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status while still receiving federal funds. Religious Affiliation: PentecostalDenomination: International Pentecostal Holiness Church. We also deny that marriage is a mere human contract rather than a covenant made before God. March 2006 24 Soulforce protesters (including me) arrested at Falwells Liberty U. October 2021 - Associate Professor informs Malone University administration leadership that she is getting married in the summer to a woman. Religious Affiliation: Roman CatholicDenomination: Catholicism. Does your collegiate recreation department/program partner/cosponsor with other offices/programs in an on-going basis We value sexual purity and the sanctity of Christian marriage; therefore, abstaining from sexual immorality (including, but not limited to, premarital or extramarital sex, other immoral sexual activity, and homosexual behavior) is expected. SJC to hear Gordon Colleges LGBTQ workplace discrimination case, SJC hears arguments in Gordon College suit; School contends social work professor's role exempts it from employment laws, Danielle Powell, lesbian at Nebraska's Grace University, expelled, charged tuition, U.S. Supreme Court Decision - Grove City College v. Bell, "Wheres the Great Conversation, Gutenberg? But the university's approach to the LGBTQ community including the mere existence of Concordia's "Queer Straight Alliance student group has been an irritation to church leaders in St . Members of its staff have also signed onto the Nashville Statement condemning LGBTQ people and using religion-based bigotry to perpetuate stereotypes and harm toward LGBTQ youth. gender-specific facilities that are in keeping with their gender identity? Does your housing and residence life staff regularly offer activities and events for residents in an effort to increase These two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God. reassignment") surgeries for Transgender employees, Transgender partners of employees and dependent Transgender We further believe that God established an individuals gender at birth. Here's your handy list of schools to avoid if you're an LGBT student. Students who engage in behaviors that violate these standards including, but not limited to, sexual activity outside of marriage, sexual activity with a person of the same sex, sexual assault/ violence, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, the use of pornographic material, and activities related to adopting a gender other than ones birth gender, are subject to disciplinary sanctions up to and including expulsion from the University. Religious Affiliation: LutheranDenomination: Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. (Genesis 2:24, 19:5, 13; Leviticus 18:1-30; Romans 1:26-32; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8; Hebrews 13:4)", The College affirms that sexual relationships are designed by God to be expressed solely within a marriage between husband and wife. Religious Affiliation: MethodistDenomination: Free Methodist Church of North America. Within the last two years, has your campus trained admissions counselors on the experiences and concerns of LGBT California Baptist University has qualified for the Worst List because it worked to dismantleSB 1146, a California bill designed to protect LGBTQ students from discrimination at their Christian college or university. The Campus Pride Index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program and practice. climate assessments) in which it participates in order to be inclusive of LGBTQ issues and experiences? We all need to be conscious that in this and similar situations, adding ones name to a petition wouldnt be interpreted as simply showing support for students or encouraging open discussion, it would be interpreted as agreement with the beliefs behind the petition and what it is calling for. Does your campus have an LGBTQ concerns office or an LGBTQ student resource center (i.e., an institutionally funded space We believe that every humans true gender identity is identical to the genetic, biological sex with which they were born. Does your campus provide gender-inclusive restrooms in at least half of administrative and academic buildings? Queer Concordiais a student group and on-campus resource centre for 2SLGBTQIA+ students and allies at Concordia University. We first battled over LGBT and religious rights. students who need such counseling, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Healths Standards Mike Pence doesn't help. 13:4, Rom. St. Francis University in Pennsylvania has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Nashotah House Theological Seminary has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IXin order to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity while still receiving federal funds. Religious Affiliation: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsDenomination: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Project 10 is a Montreal community organization that Project 10 works to promote the personal, social, sexual and mental well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex and questioning (2LGBTQ+) youth and adults 14-25. result of student safety concerns? [Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11]. Specifically stated, sexual intimacy is to be expressed exclusively inside the marriage covenant which shall be between a man and a woman. Christendom Collegehas also qualified for the Worst List because it refuses to uphold any part of Title IX reporting requirements and reportedly has chosen not to receive federal monies in order to do so. Admission or detection of homosexual practices or advocacy by a student will result in dismissal from the College. experiences of the following identities and their related concerns? men's and women's spaces and welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) in all newly constructed or Does your collegiate recreation department/program include in department media/communications (e.g., team media guides, SGW: 514-848-2424, ext. Does your campus offer at least one employee health insurance or HMO plan which covers ongoing counseling services, as (1 Corinthians 6:12-20. tenure process? issues/concerns in order to provide a roommate change, an immediate intervention and/or a quick administrative response as a Nevertheless, do be aware and please be careful not to allow yourself to be inadvertently coopted into this endeavor. Does your collegiate recreation department/program offer LGBT-inclusive programming for participants and student-athletes? In the area of sexuality, lifestyles consistent with biblical teaching are expected. Does your campus prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation by including the words "sexual orientation" in its Concordia University, a conservative Lutheran college in Northeast Portland, has reversed a previous decision to block a student group that supports LGBTQ students . Religious Affiliation: PentecostalDenomination: Rhema Bible Church. State Of The Gay, Queer Zine, Banned By Harding University, This Anti-Gay Arkansas University Is Determined to Destroy the Schools Queer Zine. Eastern University has qualified for the Worst List because it has a past and recent history of anti-LGBTQ discrimination and is cited as one of the campuses in the class action lawsuit Hunter v. the U.S. Department of Education for abuses to LGBTQ+ students over the years. William JessupUniversityhas qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis ofsexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Wyoming Catholic College has qualified for the Worst List because of their demonstrated history of anti-LGBTQ+ language and because they refuseto uphold any part of Title IX reporting requirements and reject federal funding in order to do so. I understand that the university reserves the right to require the withdrawal of a student at any time if, in the judgment of the President, Vice President for Student Services (VPSS), Presidents Cabinet, and/or the University Discipline Committee, such action is deemed necessary to safeguard Southwestern Christian Universitys ideals of scholarship or its spiritual and moral atmosphere as a Christian university. Religious Affiliation: BaptistDenomination: World Baptist Fellowship. Some of the Synods sentiment toward Concordia Portlands actions regarding its LGBTQ community is already public knowledge. Does your campus offer at least one employee health insurance or HMO plan which covers gender confirmation ("sex Does your campus have a specific college admissions brochure/website that highlights LGBTQ programs and services? Gods standard is toward progressive purity and holiness, with both the desires of the heart and the actions of the body. Does your campus offer LGBT-supportive counseling services, with a staff that is knowledgeable of the needs and ", "Additionally, for the duration of their tenure at Evangel, students pledge to abide by the following community standards: Uphold standards of sexual purity and humility: maintaining modest appearance standards; not engaging in sexual activity prior to or outside of marriageas recognized in the biblical covenant between a man and woman, including cohabitation, same-sex sexual relationships, genital contact, intercourse, sexting (chats or video), sexually explicit dancing, pornography, etc. Building Future Leaders & Safer, More LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges and Universities Since 2001. Southwestern Assemblies of God University has qualified for the Worst List because itholds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Since 1991, we have provided a dynamic presence in the community, offering activities and services to help people maintain and improve their health. Does your campus allow housing and residence life staff with non-student same-sex partners to live together in residence Take action today! As a result, this campus does not comply with Title IX protections for any of its students, including for LGBTQ+ students. Any other sexual activity or involvement in pornography or sexual communication (including jokes) whether verbal, written, or electronic is prohibited. ", "In some cases it may be determined that it is necessary for the student or potential student to work through issues of sexual identity and/or gender confusion apart from being a member of the Multnomah community. Religious Affiliation: AnabaptistDenomination: Mennonite Brethren. women in engineering, athletes, international students)? WheatonCollege has qualified for the Worst List because it has an extensive and well-documented history of anti-LGBTQ discrimination. Because the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin (Lev. We believe that God blesses submission to and acceptance of His created design. 20:14, 17, 22:19; Lev. Harding's Title IX Exemption: Is it hateful and discriminatory? When a complaint or violation of the policy shows that a student acted outside of our biblical values of dignity and respect, we will address the conduct and hold students accountable. 5:2233). "ConductRules and Regulations Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct may be subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article IV: Sexual activity outside of a heterosexual marriage, or sexual activity within a marriage that may include but is not limited to rape, abuse, harassment, intimidation, or physical harm. As such, students may not engage in sexual misconduct, which includes but is not limited to: sexual violence and abuse, adultery, homosexual romantic relationships, homosexual acts, pre-marital sex, pre-marital erotic acts, all forms of pornography, and sexting (or sharing sexually explicit images or text via any method). In the spirit of Christ, Christians should oppose racism, every form of greed, selfishness, and vice, and all forms of sexual immorality, including adultery, homosexuality, and pornography. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. ", Sexual impropriety is participation in premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexual activities or any form of deviant sexual behavior or cohabitation. Religious Affiliation: AdventistDenomination: Christian. Managing Director/ CEO. The Difficulties LGBTQ+ Face in North America Brock Zwicker Social Science and Commerce, Vanier College 387-204 Sociology. It is important to understand, however, that this position does not prohibit someone who identifies with the LGBTQ community from enrolling here. Whatever ones personal feelings or desires, the call of Jesus on our lives is the same: sexual purity manifest among the married as complete faithfulness and by those who are single by living a pure and unblemished life (I Thessalonians 4:3-8). documents with only a request to do so from the student, regardless of if they have had gender confirmation/reassignment The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has qualified for the Worst List because members of its staff signed onto the Nashville Statement condemning LGBTQ people and using religion-based bigotry to perpetuate stereotypes and harm toward LGBTQ youth. surgeries? Last year, a few months after Concordias Portland campus closed, the technology company HotChalk sued the university and others connected to it for more than $300 million. American Indian College has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Dont wait. "We commit to lives of sexual purity. ", "We believe that God created humanity as distinctly and exclusively either male or female from the beginning, and that He blessed His created design as very good. Please see the, section of this handbook for more information. We will make institutional decisions pursuant to this gender identity policy regarding housing, student admission and retention, employment hiring and retention, and other matters. Erskine College has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status while still receiving federal funds. regional and/or national events for LGBTQ awareness, personal development, enrichment and leadership (such as conferences, For more resources on this topic, please visit the Life Library. ", (including adultery, any homosexual behavior, premarital sex), Students who disobey these University rules are subject to automatic suspension., I will not engage in or attempt to engage in any illicit, unscriptural sexual acts, which include any homosexual activity and sexual intercourse with one who is not my spouse.

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concordia university lgbtq