arthur bleep fanfiction

arthur bleep fanfiction

Still no sign of you but there was this weird manor the van broke down in front of for some reason. No matter what, Ill bring you home.. During a trip to the zoo, George (and Wally) notice that his dad isn't acting himself. As Elyan grew more comfortable with his noble title and all that entailed, he began to ask the servant assigned to maintain the knights armor to cover the duty, at first occasionally, and then more and more until it was a bizarre sight to see him doing it himself. In honor of GO coming out, the trio dressed up with a pokemon theme! Its finally working! Work Search: Mystery- he jushe took it right off! I guess I should try to save breakfast. Hed considered skimming and skipping, but the word manor in the message caught his attention. Alan has a wrong sleep schedule, and one day fern finds out about the extent of said sleep schedule, so she writes him a note telling him to take care of himself he finds said note and they have a little chat at recess that could mark the start of an unlikely friendship. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Im sure you wouldve agreed had you been there. Today We Rise In short, Morgana has a wet dream and Arthur helps her through dealing with it, their true feelings for each other comes to the surface. My mother, now, there was a woman who could make >fucking< amazing apple betty. Hed lost count of how many messages hed listened to, before a new one played, where Arthur sounded fully lucid, and didnt start by asking where he was. He had trusted that Lewis would do nothing to Arthur while D.W. hangs up and gives Nadine the thumbs-up. Sleeping pants thrown over his boxers, Arthur shuffled from his room out into the living room. Well, more likely Mordred. In another message he spoke of his uncle admonishing him for focusing so much on his search, and he admitted maybe he was pushing too hard. In the time between his check-ups, he busied himself with storing the leftovers, clearing the counters, and odd jobs to make the apartment sparkle (like Vivis personality, hed smiled at himself at the thought.). If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands.. (Miss Morgan gives her a can.) Thats all I can do to keep myself sane., They had a service for you today, Lewis. The lamia had been the spark, and the chasm had only grown from there. Dont leave me like that again. Why not just take it out and save himself 200 dollars?), or something he saw in the day that reminded him of Lewis, from a vintage Sailor Moon figure, to a poster for ghost pepper fries at the Wendys the next town over. Why not? Arthurs voice came back. Goofing off on this blog since 2014! After getting interrogated for the 15th time throughout the week, Merlin sees a woman across from him that arrived just yesterday. Whatever happenedI just hope when we come back we can help him.. I mean I guess youre probably not really there, butI dont know. [6 steers the round decoration into position, between 2 red diamond decorations] 3: It's lovely, for Christmas. He didnt know what He remembered Arthurs tight Here. You wont be alone. Guy 1: Ugh! Hey Lew? He drops his model, which breaks like it did in "Arthur's Big Hit" Arthur: You better not let Mom and Dad hear you say that. He reluctantly realized it might be up to a fortnight before any of them truly raised the alarm. Im fine. And the shards will cut deep, deep, until there is nothing but blood and hurt. A clapboard reads The Altos, take 48, scene #3. They had actually left him. But wouldn't it be great if it did? But in his paranoia, he misinterprets every innocent interaction between the two as something far more intimate, to the embarrassment of everyone involved. When Bud and Ladonna seek out a storefront for their business, they realize that taking a long-term contract at the Crosswire-owned mall would be their best bet. If youre happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. Special thank you to @kirbychan234 for sitting in with me as I wrote my heart into a dumpster.) After Lancelot died, Percival stopped coming. will they get married? One of the messages was from Vivi, asking who the number belonged to because she didnt recognize it, and several were from his parents. Merlin and Arthur had loved each other, more deeply than the other thought possible. Maybe Youre Not The Worst Thing Ever Tommy: Yeah! ", "We'll be there, Mom." She looks at the Tibbles who nod. Grandma Thora: Well, this will make a very nice present for Ethel, don't you think? Arthurs meddling cousin visits Camelot. high-pitched wheeze. Because that isnt really a big deal. He sighed, finally admitting it was growing too dark, even if he risked being caught and used his magic to light the way, and turned his attention to finding a place to make camp for the night. AndI want to try to get past this. Arthur and the others start to lose their minds about Merlin's safety. 6: Left it is! "Whoa! Nadine waves at D.W. and disappears. Thas a nurse. How many more could he bear to listen to? Arthur disobeyed his father's orders and retrieved the Mortaeus flower for Merlin's cure, but getting locked in a cell for his defiance means he is unable to get the flower to Gaius. Arthur said. Even right now itsits hard to consider he might be right. I justdidnt see it. Arthur shows a man who sits at a machine with one red button. The ladies of Elwood City start a book club, but it's really a front to take down the Crosswire Motors empire. Gaius??? He remembered thinking, honestly considering, deleting some of the pictures of Arthur. Arthurs fingers had wrapped around a chilled energy drink when another larger hand found the top of his, and Arthur jumped. He stood, walking further in an attempt to escape the thought, and reluctantly noticed it was getting dark. The light behind him was getting brighter. I asked him to look into it. Shed said. Coping with a secret is bad enough, but learning to cope when the secrets are out is another ballgame. Then you could bleep out whatever you wanted. [Beginning scene: Sofa, in the Gym] 3: Oooh. He winced at the bone-crushing hug in response, which seemed to push out the words with a wheeze, a feeble attempt at humor. LookIve.since the three of us have been around each other againI havent given you much of a chance, I realize. He looked up to the ceiling. Tidal wave of Mer!Arthur sketches! He remembered the way Arthur's feet shuffled, when he'd bothered Lewis by clearing his throat and shoving a phone into his face. Together, they find their way back to Camelot and everyone fusses over Merlin's state of being, a new feeling for him. 27 votes, 20 comments. That had, unfortunately, only wasted a handful of minutes, and he had many more to fill. Tommy: (laughs) Yes, she doesn't watch cable TV. He also appeared in "Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny" when he went to Meteor Comix when Gerald took it over and sold horror comics at the store. But Lew you were with us! I never heard it before. [Cut to the hallway, where 4 is with 0, and looking in a hatch to some pipes.] The next few messages varied, most of them light-hearted and promising to find him, a few more venting than anything. She doesn't deserve to know "The Word!". It happened again!" Uh-oh. Youwhat? Mother: That's enough backtalk, young man! Arthur didnt know that the Dolma was no threat to his manservant. How will I ever find out? With information on Nigeria and Feminism now rattling around in his skull, hed replaced the work back on the shelf where hed found it, already thinking of something new he could entertain himself with, until Vivi rose to fetch her morning coffee and he could safely start breakfast for her. He knew it off the top of his head and just didnt tell Merlin until Merlin starts lamenting it is impossible? 5. Jane said. Another set of Side stories that is set in the Neo Storm Chronicles, some Chapters are Standalone. I dont know if youre out there, butI miss you. Promise?". Everyone deserves the chance to find some peace. Will her envy cause problems? Squrtle, use Water Gun!Viv, what are you- AGH!. 3. But the responsibilities of a King following the untimely murder of a father can break even the greatest of loves like glass. Francine is a sophomore in college who is struggling with math. (bleep) saint (bleep) that woman was. And how long after he died did he blame Arthur? never even occurred to him; Mystery was an ever-watchful presence, eyes on both . Really?, Yeah. Lewis adjusted his ascot. All you have to do is tell it to us. The play button tapped with clumsy, numbed fingers, Lewis listened. Where are you, Lew? I thought I did, too. Lewis replied, contrite. You cantcant be There was a pause, longer this time. While he hadnt exactly been thrilled with the idea of hearing his father and mother quietly pleading with him to come home, he steeled his heart and resigned himself to at least listening to them. This shortcoming was to become a theme when they laid down after passing round a hard cheese and some bread, Merlin in Arthurs cloak, and Arthur in nothing at all, because his was the greater constitution; and whilst Arthur was working himself into the choicest bit of ground, with the least stones, Merlin suddenly rolled over, mummified within the cloak Arthurs thoughtfulness had provided, and put his nose into Arthurs neck.'. Miss Morgan+Kids: (sing:)If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. Tommy: Oh no! So this one isnt a comedy like my other Merlin fic, its a little more serious. Changed in opinions about some things for certain, and just barely managing to keep his heart from cracking under the strain of his current thoughts. Build A New Tomorrow She looks out of the window as sirens wail. Lewis chuckled anyway. When Muffy realizes how good Ladonna is at marketing their business online, she grows jealous. End of message. When she made it, the whole (bleep) neighborhood stood outside our house. Arthur wrung his hands, face like a caught, misbehaving puppy before he teetered with meek steps into the kitchen, directly for the fridge. And they do whatever you say? I didnt tell anyone, but Im keeping this line up. He found a flat patch of ground and tiredly gathered moss and leaves to use as insulation between himself and the cold earth, and collapsed onto his make-shift mattress, the full weight of his sadness sinking back in as he was no longer able to distract himself with the journey. And the anger was still there, even if it was controlled and no longer homicidal. But I wanted you to know. His face twisted into something hopeful and he held out his hand. Mrs. Read: Because most people are offended by them. He rabbited, conforming to the woods path; forcing his own would draw attention. The only thing that left him able to give was a Just wait here, sweetheart, while I go pay for it. Arthur could selfless, sometimes. But as each of the others slowly petered out, Arthurs messages continued in a steady flow. Leon had been the one to teach Merlin to ride, and at first, as they went out on patrols, he would make sure he rode nearby to note corrections and tips. He walked for hours, wishing he hadnt stashed his canteen in the bag that Arthur had picked up and loaded onto the horses. Arthur: Cut! D.W.: I told you. He covered his face, one hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds escaping at the pain seizing the fabric of his being, twisting his heart and stomach into new, withered shapes. When Arthur turned his back on the Dolma that he didnt know was his manservant, Merlin reminded him that he was missing a very important member of their rescue party. "Don't worry; it's imaginary." Nadine said, as the vase remains vanished, and then she appeared on D.W.'s bed, as D.W. sat next to her. What was the bleep word? There was a promise he made to himself and to Lewis that hed never stop looking, but he would make sure to keep from overdoing it when others needed him too. Arthur had.Arthur had never given up on him. Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest (episode)/Transcript. "Yes, that too." Uh oh. He could never fully describe the way he felt right now to them. Despite its golden glow, he knew a hairline crack had carved itself into his heart inside his chest, deeper than it looked and reaching down to his core. D.W.: But what if it does something really really bad? Lewis, I did it! Are you okay? Arthur turned to look up, catching the look on Lewiss face. ;P, (OH MY GOSH@kirbychan234. Thats what they had called it, Arthurs murder of him. The first was about thirty seconds, and the second, only six. [6 Steers it with the Moving Mat, and 5 gives directions.] His head felt light and he couldnt move, couldnt You roll your eyes, Is that the favor? "But," he added, "you should also consider yourself lucky I'm not gonna tell Mom & Dad about it this time. And he could admit to himself he missed their voices, and a part of him longed to hear them again while he still gathered the courage to see his family again now that he was sodifferent. It was almost a side-note in another when he mentioned working sometimes at the Peppers restaurant to keep things spic and span, and how he visited his sisters. A few voicemails later made mention that his hamster now had a set of wheels to run around on instead of being just confined to his cage, and how seeing the change in demeanor of the little rodent filled Arthur with a sense of hope that things would get better. 682 guests She sees Vicita walk into the kitchen where the other Molinas are. Love, Faith and Family by A Court of Stories. Shh! Mrs. Read: Arthur, have you put away yourWhat's going on in here? Moments In The Sun Merlin finds himself in a compromising situation. deletedscene fanfic arthur bleep fanfiction dwread Here's a DELETED SCENE of the banned ep 'Bleep', set in the scene after D.W. told Arthur the swear word. Here is what's known as (bleep) the bleep. 0: Oooh 4: Or maybe not. After the Beep (Fanfic based on my headcanon here. He was considering turning it off. Just like that? ), tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence. Looking back at the Sopranos parody I feel like more than 1 specific swear word is used. She imagines saying the word. 5: Left a bit. ""Of course, Your Royal Pratness. Let's hope the price won't be too much for you. The boy's mom dropped a glass. After class, the preschoolers leave the building. How many of them, hed thought, had been his parents, calling him to see where he was? He means everything to me. D.W. and Nadine sit up in bed with a start. Are you almost ready?! He talks about how difficult it is, but what exactly is the alternative to healing Gwen??? If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. The questions are out of his mouth before he can stop them. Of course we, as the audience, know Arthur loves Merlin more than anything, but episodes like this make me think that Merlin doesnt know that, and sometimes I cant blame him for not knowing that. How their stories were found out, off the stage. It felt like he was hurt. Mrs. Read: Well, you're off the hook this time, because you didn't know what you were saying, but I hope you know now that swear words are not appropriate things to say, especially for 3 and 4-year-old children. The voicemail app shut down at his prompting, and Lewis barely had the control to set the phone on the coffee table beside the couch instead of dropping it. That's it! Arthur didnt even know it was him, yet he was determined to do what he could, even with the threat on his own life. D.W. said, awestruck by the broken plane. D.W. said nervously. Huh? He wasnt the most adept at maneuvering around the phone itself, but if he didnt know what something was for, he could easily press the home key so it would disappear off-screen. Did I mention they were roommates? Vivi had been more helpful, hed thought. Its not even ten and Im already cried out for the day. He tried to joke, but it fell flat behind tears and a stuffed nose that turned his voice nasally. (Arthur gives the bleeper a sign, who is sitting nearby. '"You said you want my firstborn.""Yes? How could he let it come to this? But you probably shouldn't say it. Just let me use the bathroom really quick. As he left, Lewis watched him, holding a plate out for the deadbeat to pile the last batch of bacon on, now extra crispy. Can anyone figure out what exactly they were? There she is faced with a truth no one could've predicted. Arthur: Hi, everybody. Wow! He gave her one of his own before having her much smaller, delicate fingers open the back of his phone and slide the chip into place. The Tibbles tell her if she says it anyone will become her servant. I uh I think Vivi would like it if you had some too. Morgana finds herself enticed by a mystery knight at the tournament. Lewis counted four thumps of his beating heart before Arthur spoke again. He needed this just as much as Arthur did, he was sure. It wasnt about anything he found interesting, but after reading so many of the other books so many other times, his choices were not wide if he wanted something new. He knew the facts, but getting his head and his heart to agree was turning out to be more difficult by far. left kudos on this work! He chose to delete it and listen to the next. He now has to decide what to do. Hes quiet for a moment, Can I come over? It'll work." Work Search: I'm not." If only Arthur knew what she was gonna do later Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. I almost forgot about us talking about that, but thank you for reminding me! And there you have it. After everything he had done to save Gwen, Arthur had forgotten him. And then Ill look again. ""How wonderful. In the preschool sandbox, D.W. talks to the Tibbles. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Lewis rubbed at his neck and looked away. waits.). 8. Without hearing so many messages from Arthur. Lewis held him tight and closed his eyes. He focused on ducking branches. "Umm," she said, "And what about me saying that-", "Yes, that too." Merlin had been the one to administer the belladonna. (HP AU!Arthur on his own post. It'll work." He could forgive Mordred, he hadnt known what they were truly doing and Merlin had never been particularly nice to him. Arthur said to D.W. as he got off the bed. I decided to do something in response :D ), (Vivi is recording and laughing herself silly. Not some- some cave floor, or something. Merlin angrily changed back into his own clothes, hurt and disbelief warring in his chest, but he finished dressing and gathered up the black dress and there was still no Arthur coming back to look for him. He had never once helped load the bags in the entire tenure of Merlins employment, but the one time bags held Merlins water, food, and bedroll, he suddenly found the urge to help. Stricken, Arthur opened his mouth, but a raised hand silenced him. They were nowhere near recovered. What happened? Cue misunderstandings and pining and everyone being bad at their feelings. A few mentioned irritable or annoying customers at the shop (All that was wrong was he dropped a burrito in the hood! No one left him with so much anger and no direction to point it in, to help him find catharsis over his ordeal. I mean, youre- youre Lewis! Found your way back, did you? The episode implies that Merlin stayed up all night researching, and Gaius is sitting there playing with a freakin twine ball while Merlin pours over all those books and stresses out, and then reveals he actually knew both what happened to Gwen and also who they could ask for answers, and he just. She cracks an egg with a hammer. Isabella lives a very successful life in New York City. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Thanks to anyone who came to the stream that spawned most of these! (bleep) Watch and listen how it's used. When Sue Ellen completes a pickup, Bailey starts getting more suspicious and also worried that his part in the scheme will be revealed. [ARTHUR IS TO PBS] 2022 - 2023 Add to Favourites Suggested Collections BuzzLightyear Warp Darkmatter Cars and Planes Veggietales Comments 0 Join the community to add your comment. Merlin idly wondered if they would realize they had left him as they set up camp for the night, or if the combination of Mordreds ability to fulfill a servants duties combined with Arthurs inability to take his eyes off of Gwen would mean they didnt realize until they got to Camelot. She looks through the binoculars and sees the Molinas' living room is empty. Nadine: I dont know. Nadine stands on a desk holding an ancient Egyptian vase. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When we foundyou I found your phone nearby. Mr. and Mrs. Read are preparing food in the kitchen while D.W. watches. You never gave up. "No, DW. Ive been slaving over this arm for weeks to get it working, and it does! Rated: T - English - Adventure/Tragedy - Chapters: 7 - Words: 9,177 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Updated: Aug 20, 2022 - Published: Jun 25, 2022 - Arthur R. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [to 0] Now then, 0, fixing pipes and, Can I ask you a favor? Tadashi asks hesitantly over the phone. I can make more. He squeezed Arthur, not ready to let go just yet. knightinshiningarmor. I mean, sure it sparks and I cant really feel with it, but its good enough for now. Alto 1: Ugh! Miss Morgan: (spacey monotone) Yes, D.W. It didnt make sense to Arthur at the time, because he had never categorized Merlin as available in his brain, seeing how Merlin had always belonged to Arthur. Tommy and Timmy roll in the sand laughing and saying "The Word" (bleeped out). The dialogue between the mother and son went like: Mother: Stop that! D.W. hesitates. 4. I meanyou deserve peace, Lewis. Youve already bounded passed Hiros side of the room and over to Tadashis side. Anger was easy. Edwin: What in >BLEEP< did they do when you did? The knights had spewed words Merlin had never thought hed hear from them, and they had been enchanted, but in the back of his mind Merlin wondered if that was how they actually felt. He had gone longer with an empty stomach, and he could last at least three days without water. If Arthur thought his In Arthur's Missing Pal, he wears a red sweater with a yellow stripe and tan pants. Arthur worried and waited, but Merlin had provided the answer. As a side note, the sheer amount of cares Gaius did not give at time mark 5:10 of that episode is just hilarious to me. At one point he would have been sure that Gwaine at least, if not the others, would notice the second Arthur was back in Camelot, but but Merlin had been more and more disconnected with them by the day, it felt like. Now some mentioned his slow rebuilding of a friendship cracked by what he remembered of the cave with Mystery, and of spending time with Vivi. Grandma took me out of the store. He soon becomes curious about the woman before him and questions if she is a magic user or not. You know, that TV show about the family life of a gangster. It was three seconds in and still not a word had been said. Nadine disappears and reappears on D.W.s bed. The Armstrongs have a secret, and the dedicated butler to the Crosswire family is in on it. Im sorry, I wasnt careful. The Tibbles grin and give the thumbs-up. I get to hear your voice. Hey Lew.IMystery told me you- youuh.Mystery said youre not coming back. Arthur cleared his throat. Even you need it. Gaius would realize when Merlin didnt go to his room for the night that he was missing, and he would raise the alarm. D.W.: I know. Itll work. As he took the device from him, weighing the heavy phone in his hand, the thing too light to even register. Nadine appears. "Now," he said firmly, "you make sure you NEVER say what you said to me to Mom & Dad. She has sought out help with a grad student through the university's tutoring programexcept there's a new problem: She's developed a major crush on him. Everyone is dealing with something, and being in high school makes each issue feel like a mountain. D.W.: Well, she said he couldn't go to a concert, and then he said She drops the glass bowl and it shatters dramatically. Your every wish is my command. "Nothing." The can clunked back onto the shelf, wobbling, but managing to stay upright. I take a cartoon(or whatever media from your childhood)and *try* to make it worse with my ideas, If you're okay with that, feel free to take a sit and see what I've done to your childhood, (Also I post a lot of my concepts here, soooo-). He didnt look behind him but for a heartbeat of a glance. It's >BLEEP<! You stop and take him in. I thought you h-hated me. Arthur hiccuped against his chest, and the crack only grew deeper in the heart just out of reach. Arthur and D.W. run through the living room in swimsuits. (Fanfic based on my headcanon here. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. He hoped to be back before a fortnight. How long can they keep this up? Maybe. Timmy: (whispering) OK, we'll give it a shot (to D.W.) Because it's a swear word. "OK, since you know, tell me what it means." D.W. said to Nadine. But that was better than yelling at the person he once called best friend, wasnt it? Whenever you hear (bleep), it means there's something that you're not supposed to hear. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, His character model was reused from the earlier character. By my calculations, she'll be saying it in the next five minutes. Arthur said never say it to them. You shoul be here too. What does >BLEEP< mean? [The round decoration moves to the left] 5: Right 6: Right. Save, press nine. Arthur: (gasps) (Arthur drops it.) Bleep: What Should Have Happened, an arthur fanfic | FanFiction Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Arthur R., DW R., Jane R., David R. - Words: 716 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 1 - Published: Mar 5, 2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12392748 + - Bleep: What Should Have Happened What if D.W. told her parents the truth about the word? You know you can come over whenever you want to. I dont even know why! The voice quieted, another in the background talking to him for a moment or two. Arthur and the Square Dance/Transcript. When she made it, the whole >fucking< neighborhood stood outside our house. And listening to the messages one after the other only made it clear how the hope Arthur clung to was waning with every dead-end. Miss Morgan rolls in a TV set and turns on Mary Moo Cow. Every word left him, mind blanking. Arthur woke up to the smell of something cooking in the kitchen. Based on a writing prompt by makeshiftdhole on Tumblr. Just one more, and he would have made it through all of them. >BLEEP< saint >BLEEP< that woman was. Please consider turning it on! Guy 2: Hey, none of you >?< so much as >?<, unless I >fucking< say so, capice? D.W. imagines herself at the dinner table. An unnamed Teenager[1] is a resident of Elwood City. D.W.: Um (she notices them holding fragile kitchen containers). I'm here on the set of The Altos. Disproportionate Retribution: D.W. fears that saying the swear word would make people drop their items, especially if the moon falls from the sky. Oh gosh, are you planning on coming here, SFIT Holiday Party He could forgive Gwen, she had just been released from a serious magical influence. Vicita: Cool! Her destiny will rewrite history and forever change the lives of everyone in Camelot. D.W. sees Vicita being scolded and pointing at the Read house. We were all at that cave and they said theres anan accident. My mother, now, there was a woman who could make >BLEEP< amazing apple betty. He didnt speak for fear of making things worse when he didnt know what to say to make things better. Arthur should have noticed. Hes only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Merlin just wanted to get Gaius's herbs but instead, he gets kidnapped and tortured for almost a week. My best friend! Arthur glared at D.W., then his glare softened. Merlin, a famous illusionist, had never believed in the concept of true matesHe never trusted that there was one person out there designed specifically for him.He loved his beta mate Freya and they were happyso what if he spent most of his time on the road performing to crowds.So, what if there was a hole in his heart and a missing half to his soul.Its not like he is ever going to find his true mateAt least that was what he could keep telling himself to make himself believe.That was until he met him.His true mate.His omega.Arthur Pendragon.Oh, he was so fucked.

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