5 reasons why tithing actually benefits you

5 reasons why tithing actually benefits you

In fact, giving is so good for us that I can think of several other benefits right off the bat: Giving can actually alleviate minor mental illness. 2. Will a man rob God? Its kinda amazing. ZGI1MWViN2QyYWJmZTZjYzUzZTk0MjkyZTA2MzJkNmRkMzkyOTFmZTMzNjI1 Copyright 2021, Institute in Basic Life Principles ~ Privacy Policy~ Terms and Conditions~Log In, honoring God with the firstfruits of your income. Text: 741741, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or visit www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.. A couple of months ago, the New York Times ran a fascinating article called Googling for God. In this piece, author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz explores recent trends in Google search data He must have felt that it was beneath him. And I was mad. This means that God wants to shift our hearts so that we will, So lets circle back to that story about God asking me to give an additional $1,000, But you know what happened? I'm trying not to serve two Gods ( God and money) by giving God back what is his (my tithe) but am struggling. Why must I always be giving? The devourer are things that take your money without trace. It was freaking hard. But David said, Neither will I offerunto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing (II Samuel 24:24). Im used to hearing that giving makes you happy and that it is healthy, but there are many other benefits. Love is the strongest motivation in the world. 5 Reasons 5 Reasons Why the Medieval Church Was So Powerful Monetary donations were given by many levels of society, most commonly in the form of a tithe, a tax which normally saw people give roughly 10% of their earnings to the Church. Do note this sermon is not intended to condemn any of you but to give hope. Gods not a dummy. You *must give (simple principle). Drumroll pleaseby the end of the year, I had saved $22,000!! All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 21 Prayer Points For Supernatural Breakthrough, Warfare: Total Deliverance from Spiritual Spouse, The NUMBER 9 (NINE): Prophetic Meaning in the bible, Atomic power of prayer words transcribed PART 1, Deliverance Scriptures Against Spiritual Spouses, 16 WAYS To Practice Agape Love (W-Series), How To Pray Rules of Engagement Prayer & Declaration. As you give away that first 10% of your income, you set your course to honor God in the way you handle the rest of your finances. Shockingly, the tithe actually benefits you! We CAN put our faith and trust in Him, I want to encourage you to have faith and believe that God will take care of you. Matter of fact, you are lying to them. This is not an issue of 10 percent legality, this is simply sayingGod has given me this much, the least I could do is give back & as Abraham gave a tenth to show appreciation, we are to follow by giving a tenth as a minimum. We hope you enjoyed our our Christian Short Skits from a Church Drama Team. She was a single mother and was barely scraping by. My heritage of paying a tithe precedes the law of Moses. They offered to pay her double what she was making before, and even offered child care. Because of this, they didnt receive the other tribes inheritance of the Promised Land, but instead received the tithe as Israels payment for their services as priest. The tithe is the Lords and He expects us to pay it to Him; at the same time, He does not receive it until we give it to Him. For those of you who are continuing to practice the works of the law, including tithing, you are actually placing yourself back under the curse. If you think that 1% is enough to show your appreciation to God then do 1%. The Daniel Fast is becoming so popular, its honestly really exciting! I am not saying that the only reason for tithing is so youll get something back. Lets understand a few things as they relate to tithing: Tithing means 10%. To pay tithes is something every Christian ought to do. I knew something in my heart needed to shift. The only other scripture you allude to that actually deals with tithing is Malachi. MGZmMDYwNGYwODljMWQ0YmJmMTZlM2Y3MTY0MjNiY2E5NmQ5MDA5NTliYmIw God owns the entire world and its substance. 3. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Having considered the above, you cant just give to anyone, anyhow, anywhere, anytime, you are to be led by the Spirit when you give & He will tell you where to sow it, how to, how much and when it sow. Allowed HTML tags:


5 reasons why tithing actually benefits you